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An unofficial Android app for the Lisbon Metro. The long-term goal is to become the only Lisbon Metro app users will ever need, and perhaps most importantly, the one they’ll want to have. This app introduces a number of features not usually seen on transit apps, such as real-time location, service quality indicators, and a strong collaborative component.

In a symbiotic relationship with the app, I also built the “Perturbações” (“Disturbances”) website. This is mostly a fancy status page and status logger for the Lisbon Metro, that scrapes the official website for information. It shows historical data about the availability and quality of the Lisbon Metro service, put together by combining official sources with the data collected by UnderLX users.

Perturbações website (in Portuguese)

GitHub repo

Both projects are developed in such a way that allows for them to eventually expand to other public transit networks, in the future.